Team Moplet

Health And Beauty

With MOPLET SMS, you can easily send out text messages to all your clients. This can be a fantastic business opportunity for you and your shop. You can let customers know when you have special deals, but you can also just send it out to the relevant clients. You can also inform clients of when you have a cancellation, this can persuade them to book even when they wasn't planning on doing so. When owning a Hairdressers or a Beauty Salon, you can tell the customers when their specific stylist is going on holiday, this will stop any confusion when booking. Sending SMS for Health and Beauty Salons is a quick and efficient way to tell your customers what's going on, whether is be online or offline. Most Salons have a mailing list where they may send emails out to the clients, but SMS is a much more effective way to get in touch with your customers.