Scrubs against Federal or in-house Do-Not-Call lists
Enhance how you communicate using Moplet Voice. With our Voice messaging solution, you can broadcast your message through a voice call directly to your customer’s mobile or landline phone.There are two simple options to for you to choose from, either sending a pre-recorded audio file to your customer or sending a message using the Text-To-Speech (TTS) option which converts your written text into spoken voice in your language of choice.
Using Moplet Voice, it has never been easier to engage your audience. Enhance your customer experience with our Voice API. Our Voice platform allows you to send Voice messages to your customers quickly and easily via powerful Cloud based Voice Platform The following are the features
amazing features and functions
Supports multiple campaigns such as campaign specific agents and max used channels/lines
Fully Integrated with MOPLET IVR Studio to support multi-level questions and answers survey.
Programmable touch-tone key responses for user-specified actions
Recipient can press a key to be transferred to a live agent or to leave a voice message
Built-in call scheduler to schedule calls in advance, recurring calls, no-call hours and more
Automatically display and generate real-time agent summary and reports